Holiday Relief

Never Buy These 4 Things On Black Friday

Are Black Friday’s deals overrated?

In some cases, the answer is yes, such as the ones you’ll find in this article, so if you miss them on Black Friday, don’t sweat it.

What is a full belly from Thanksgiving usually followed by? Freaking out over Black Friday deals.

Why freak out, though? Black Friday isn’t the only day with deals. And if you know how to browse the Net, you can find great discounts almost every single day.

Can you find some bodacious bargains on this shopping holiday? Sure, but most of the time, you’re just buying the hype that million-dollar marketers know how to generate.

Several items are best bought during other times of the year. Retailers specifically price them at their lowest at these points in time for specific reasons.

While we may not go into all of the reasons why, we will let you know which items should be purchased when there are fewer crowds, less stress, and even better discounts than Black Friday.

In short, if you need to buy something on this list, your best bet is to do it when it’s cheapest. And several studies show that Black Friday is not that date.

1. Toys.

We all want our kids to see the best toys under the tree. But don’t let that temptation fool you into thinking Black Friday is the best day to buy toys.

Yes, there are tons of Black Friday toy deals online and in stores. Are they the best possible deals, though? Not necessarily, as many retailers like to offer their biggest bargains right before December 25.

Can last-minute toy buying get crazy? Sure, but if you want to find the deepest discounts, it may be your best bet.

2. Jewelry.

What’s one of the most popular gifts? Jewelry, but if it’s on your holiday shopping list, you may want to replace it with something else.

The most attractive jewelry deals tend to appear after the new year. January is prime time for jewelry shopping since it falls right before Valentine’s day.

3. Laptops.

Are you struggling to read this article and others because your old laptop is lagging? Upgrading it on Black Friday can be totally tempting, and you will find laptops for cheaper for those 24 hours.

If you can handle the wait, however, do so, especially if you’re looking for a high-end device.

The best laptops usually go on sale during July and September. That may seem like a long time to wait, but since it’s such a substantial investment, try to be as patient as possible with this purchase.

4. Smartphones.

Are your kids bugging you for the latest iPhone? That can be quite the tough wish to grant due to their cost once they hit the market. And just because Black Friday offers deals on other electronics doesn’t mean that a snazzy smartphone will be on sale.

In terms of the latest, greatest smartphones, they’re usually best to buy once all of the hype dies down.

For instance, if you were looking to buy an iPhone for your kids or yourself and don’t want to break the bank, you’ll have to wait about nine months until it loses its popularity. Once a phone’s popularity drops, look for the price to drop too.

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Jonah Jacobs

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