Holiday Relief

4 Household Items You Can Sell Right Now To Boost Your Holiday Budget

You could be sitting on a goldmine. See what you can sell right now for extra cash just by decluttering your home.

The coronavirus pandemic probably gave you a ton of time to reflect and look around your home. While being stuck inside was anything but fun, you may have turned it into a positive by doing tasks around the house and spending more time with your loved ones.

What’s one common task that many people did during the COVID-19 lockdowns? Declutter their homes.

First, they did it because they realized how much unused stuff they had sitting around. Second, they did it to feel more comfortable and less cramped during quarantine. And third, they decluttered their homes to pick up some extra cash.

If you’re looking for ways to boost your diminished holiday budget due to COVID-19 disastrous economic impact, start selling your stuff. It’s extremely simple, very satisfying, and you can do it with ease today.

Household Items You Can Sell Online

One of the great things about the Internet is that it connects you to people worldwide with different interests in a matter of seconds. As such, there’s a market for everything, no matter how obscure or “unwanted” you may think it is.

In reality, you can put almost anything online and see if you get any bites. At the worst, you’ll lose a couple of minutes of your time taking pics and posting the items. Here are some of the more common things you can sell:

1. Jewelry

Chances are, you don’t wear all of your jewelry at the same time. And you probably have some pieces that you never wear and are sitting in your drawer collecting dust.

Can you sell used jewelry the old fashioned way by going to pawn shops and local stores? Sure, but you waste time and gas money doing so, which is why online is much easier.

You may not be able to find buyers for every single piece, but you can sell jewelry on such sites as and Cash for Gold USA.

2. Furniture

There are plenty of people who don’t mind buying secondhand furniture to save some cash. You can take advantage of this by selling yours on a site like AptDeco.

The site claims to be “the easiest way to buy and sell your furniture,” so give it a look.

3. Bikes, skateboards, and scooters

If you or your kids have outgrown any of these forms of fun and transportation, put them up on a site like Bikesoup. You can also sell accessories like knee pads and helmets to make some space in your garage while padding your bank account.

4. Books

Once you read a book, what do you usually do with it? You put it on a shelf, never to touch it again. Get rid of that clutter by selling your books on a site like BookScouter.

Are those the only items you can sell online? Of course not, because, as mentioned, you can pretty much sell anything under the sun for quick cash. The point was to show you how vast the online marketplace is and how there are sites dedicated to specific items.

Now, as for where to sell everything, there are huge sites that are quite popular, such as Poshmark, Facebook Marketplace, eBay, Craigslist, Letgo, and OfferUp.

To get cash quickly and get rid of your stuff soon, list your items on as many sites as possible. Before you know it, you’ll have plenty of holiday cash for gifts by getting rid of things you no longer use.

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Jonah Jacobs

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