Holiday Relief

4 Ways Seniors Over 60 Can Get Food Assistance

If you’re over 60 and concerned about how you’ll feed yourself on a fixed income, keep reading.

We’ll reveal four food assistance programs from the government that can help ease your worries.

When you’re getting close to retirement age, the last thing you want to worry about is nutrition. You may have never had problems putting food on the table before, but as you stop working and rely on a fixed income, it could become an issue at an older age.

What can a senior do to ensure they get the food they need without breaking the bank? You could try different ways to save money while shopping, stop eating out, etc. However, a better option is to see if one of these four programs from the USDA can give you that necessary food assistance at no cost.

Food Assistance Programs for Seniors

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Have you ever heard of food stamps? You probably have. In fact, you may have even used them at one point in your life to help you get by.

While that same program still exists, it now goes by a different, more formal name of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP.

This food assistance program wasn’t created with seniors in mind, as it helps people of all ages ensure their nutritional needs are met. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t participate and get SNAP benefits if you’re a senior.

If you qualify for SNAP, it can be a significant boost to your monthly food budget. You can get funds loaded onto an EBT card that you can take to participating grocery stores. Use that card as if it was a debit card, pay for those groceries that meet SNAP requirements, and you’ll be good to go.

Child and Adult Care Food Program

While SNAP tends to work best for seniors who live independently, the Child and Adult Care Food Program helps those with different needs.

If you attend an adult daycare center, you may qualify for this program that offers nutritious snacks and meals via reimbursement. You may also be eligible if you’re over 60, have a disability, and are enrolled in a daycare facility.

Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program

Some seniors may have a menu that’s not up to snuff when it comes to nutrients. This can lead to deficiencies that can balloon into costly or even deadly health problems down the line. Since low-income seniors may have trouble buying nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, the USDA initiated the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program to fill that void.

Qualify for this particular food assistance program, and you can gain access to the freshest fruits, veggies, herbs, and even honey grown locally. You can find these foods through participating roadside stands and farmers’ markets in your area.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program

As its name suggests, this USDA food program acts as a supplement to your daily diet. It may not provide enough food to sustain you as SNAP can, but it’s worth looking into.

Once you qualify, you can expect nutritious foods from the USDA in a monthly food package.

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Jonah Jacobs

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