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Make Money Doing Data Entry Without Getting Scammed

Are online data entry jobs a scam? We’ll dish the dirt so you can see if this side hustle is worth your while.

Why might an online data entry job appeal to you? First, it could allow you to work from the comfort of your home, which is ideal if you have kids and can’t pay for a sitter. And second, it’s a job that usually doesn’t involve much experience.

What’s the biggest problem with data entry jobs? For many, it’s seeing them as legitimate work instead of some Internet scam.

How To Avoid Data Entry Scams

The good news is that while there are plenty of scams in the work-at-home space, you can find legit data entry opportunities. We’ll list several of them in a minute, but first, let’s discuss how you can avoid those scams.

If somebody contacts you out of the blue online with a data entry offer, it’s probably a scam. They may do it via social media or email, but avoid the offer unless you know them personally.

Another sign of a data entry scam is offering high-paying work. Since data entry is entry-level work, don’t expect to make several thousands of dollars per month doing it. Anyone that offers such pay is probably trying to scam you.

Lastly, do not pay anyone for the opportunity to work in data entry. If it’s a legitimate job, they will pay you and not the other way around.

Where To Find Data Entry Jobs

Now that you know how to avoid data entry scams, let’s look at some places where you can begin your search for work that actually pays. Remember that each company has its own requirements, so your mileage may vary in terms of any experience required. The idea is to apply to every company possible so you can maximize your chances of getting hired:


This company has been around for over 20 years, and they’re one of the better-paying employers, as you could earn up to $14 per hour.

If you end up doing data entry for Lionbridge, you could be tasked with doing things like digitizing written documents, transcribing images, or audio transcription.


If you’re over 18 and have a computer with antivirus software on it, you could get a data entry job with Appen that entails transcription, social media evaluation, search engine evaluation, and more.


It may not be the highest-paying platform, but Clickworker is a good place to get your feet wet if you’ve never done data entry before.

Prior to starting, you’ll need to complete tests to show you have the ability to complete the work. If accepted, you’ll be doing things like tagging images and video, speech recognition, and more.

Working Solutions

Some agents at Working Solutions make as much as $30 per hour. Will you get that as a beginner? No, but it’s a nice number to shoot for if you’d like to make a living while working at home.

With Working Solutions, you’ll be completing tasks for huge companies like T-Mobile and Microsoft.

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Jonah Jacobs

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