Holiday Relief

Spend Less On Groceries By Following These Tips

Spend less on groceries, and you’ll free up money for other expenses. We’ll tell you how to make that happen so you can give your budget some breathing room.

Try a Pantry Challenge

One of the best ways to save money on food when you’re low on cash is the pantry challenge. It involves eating what you have and not shopping until you’ve used all of your available resources.

Use Apps to Compare Prices

The Instacart app can come in handy if you want to comparison shop for groceries. It’ll show you prices for different grocers, allowing you to plan which store to select for the best prices.

Keep Your Kids at Home

Impulse purchases skyrocket when kids come along for the ride.

Don’t Shop on an Empty Stomach

If you want to fill your cart with costly impulse purchases, hit the store when you’re hungry. To save cash, have something to eat before making your shopping trip. It’s a simple rule, but an effective one.

Shop With a List

A list will save you time in the store. More importantly, it’ll save you money if you vow to stick to it and avoid impulse purchases.

Shop the Perimeter

Healthy, affordable food can be found on the perimeter of the store. Costly junk food can be found in the middle. Shop the edge to save money and your health.

Grab Your Necessities First

When shopping, focus on your must-have foods first, like meat, fruits, veggies, eggs, milk, etc.
Once they’re collected, have a look at what’s on sale. If it fits with your meal plan, buy it. Otherwise, skip it.

Opt for Generic Items

The big brands are more expensive. Choose the generic options, and you’ll keep more money in your pocket.

Buy Frozen Foods

Getting your fruits and veggies frozen can save money and avoid waste since they’ll last longer.

Take Advantage of Loyalty Programs

To keep customers happy, many stores have loyalty programs that offer perks in the form of discounts, points, and more. Sign up for your store’s loyalty program, and you should see easy savings.

Start Meal Planning

Planning your meals makes it easy to stick to your list and a budget. Since you’ll always know what you’re having, you won’t make the costly mistake of eating out just because you failed to plan.

Make Dinner Differently

If you’re like most, dinner is by far your most expensive meal. It doesn’t have to be that way, though, as you can find ways to save on dinner by merely changing the way you view it.

Instead of seeing dinner as a daily formal affair that needs to be expensive, make it so it meets your nutritional needs while being affordable. How can you do this? You can make meatless meals or simple three-ingredient recipes that are easy to make and gentle on your wallet.

Another money-saving idea is to eat appetizers for dinner that aren’t so big and filling yet still get the job done. You could also turn dinner into breakfast, making affordable meals like bacon and eggs versus steak and potatoes.

Lastly, make use of your dinner leftovers. Whether you eat them later on or recycle them into new meals, don’t let those leftovers go to waste.

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Jonah Jacobs

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